North Denver News

Shift Into Idle and Enjoy Summer

By Erin Olyer Rohlf, LCSW Lilacs are budding and grad party invites are rolling in. Summer is right around the corner. Whether you’re like me, gleefully bidding the winter months good riddance, or you already dread those scorching sunny days, let’s agree on this: Summer, as both a season and a concept, has much to teach us about how to proactively nurture our bodies, minds and spirits. Let me explain. Think back to summer break as a... Read more...

The Northside Neighborhood House

By Rebecca A. Hunt Northside women organized the North Side Women’s Club (NSWC) in 1895. Its members were affluent women living in the Highlands as well as women who had moved from the area. From the beginning, the club included activist women who had a broad sense of what their role in the community should be.  The goal was to provide members with education on a broad range of subjects. The club’s mandate also included aiding those in... Read more...

Don’t Just Sit There

By Erika Taylor How many hours do you sit in a normal day? According to the CDC, if you’re like the average American, the answer is six-and-a-half to eight hours. That might sound shocking, but if you take into account driving, desk work, reading, Netflixing … it adds up. Even if you are among those at low risk for developing adverse consequences – people who sit less than four hours a day – the CDC says that after just two hours... Read more...

Should You Pay Attention if Your Child is Left-Handed?

By Jill Carstens Yes! There is a variety of reasons you should pay attention if your child ends up being left-handed.  My own son grew very naturally into his left-handedness, and due to the fact that he was always such a smart and capable child I never looked into how, even in current times, this could pose as a challenge for him. Unfortunately, we still have not completely adapted for folks who are left-handed. Most of the world is... Read more...

Tips to Lighten the Blue Days of Winter

By Erin Olyer Rohlf, LCSW Hello, readers! My name is Erin, and I’m a local mental health therapist. As a new columnist for The Denver North Star, I hope to bring you empowering wisdom and tips to look after your mental health and well-being. Let’s get this party started by talking about seasonal affective disorder, also known as the winter blues. We are blessed in Denver to have the occasional unseasonably sunny winter day, even in... Read more...

Checking Out: ‘With Love, From Cold World’

By Wendy Thomas Grab a cup of hot cocoa and curl up with a copy of “With Love, From Cold World” by Alicia Thompson to add some steam to the cold winter nights. “With Love, From Cold World” by Alicia Thompson Lauren Fox is a buttoned-up bookkeeper who likes things orderly and predictable. Asa Williamson is a practical-joking, minimum-wage-earning, tattooed and blue-haired jack-of-all-trades. The only thing they have in common is that... Read more...

How to Stop Re-Solving and Keep Evolving

By Erika Taylor Spoiler alert! Eighty percent of New Year’s resolutions are broken by February. We come off of the holiday season full of motivation. We firmly, passionately resolve to swap eggnog for lemon water, stem Black Friday-inspired overspending for strict budgeting, and recommit to the gym we sign up for every January. But these grandiose plans dissolve to the lure of snooze buttons and Super Bowl nachos.  Why does this... Read more...

Looking Back on an Icon: Rosa Linda’s Mexican Café

By Rebecca A. Hunt As our Northside has evolved we are losing many of the iconic institutions that marked us as a community of diverse people. What replaces the old businesses becomes the norm for the new residents, and memories of earlier uses fade. This is true of the block at the corner of West 23rd Avenue and Tejon Street. Now it is home to Ash’Kara with Señor Bear in the corner space that once housed Gerald Natale’s Tejon Drug... Read more...

Chronicles of Failure: Your Faceplant Resume

By Anne Button, Guest Columnist Anne Button About a decade ago, I hit a professional wall. Burned out and depleted, I applied for a new job. The interview started with the softball question: Why this job and why you? It’s the most basic question, one I’ve asked many times from the other side of the interview table. Yet I scrambled to come up with an answer beyond, “Getting out of my rut.” I bombed it. Years later, it still... Read more...

Checking Out: ‘The Scenic History of Denver Cemeteries’ by Phil Goodstein

By Wendy Thomas Notable historian of Denver’s seamy and sordid is back, this time digging into where the bodies are buried. In Volume 1 of a three-volume series, Dr. Phil Goodstein takes a look at “The Scenic History of Denver Cemeteries: From Cheesman Park to Riverside.” Join him on a stroll through these historic cemeteries to see how they reflect Denver’s cultural and political history. Denver’s first cemetery, Mount Prospect,... Read more...