North Denver News

Neighborhood Sustainability Group Looking for Feedback on Trash Change Proposal

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Denver is considering changing from the current trash, recycling, and composting system to one used in some peer cities around the country, with the hope of reducing landfill trash and fighting climate change. Under the proposed system, recycling and compost would be free (compost is currently additional). Trash fees would depend on the size of the bin a household chooses.

The Denver Inter-Neighborhood Cooperation Climate and Sustainability group has a short survey they would like community members to fill out. Visit to share your thoughts.

Principal Scott Wolf Leaving NHS

Principal Scott Wolf is leaving North High School at the end of the school year. Here’s what he shared with The Denver North Star:

I am choosing to step away from North after 9 years because I believe that North has never been about me, but it has always been about the people—the students, the staff, and the community—and I am confident in the foundation that has been laid for North to continue to shine. North will be exiting its growth phase after growing in enrollment from 770 when I started to 1660 this coming year, and entering a sustainability phase which is the right time for a new leader to lead the new phase of North. I always told myself that I would never leave North for another job (because there is no better job), but I would leave North when the time was right, which I believe is now. While my next steps are still being finalized, I am feeling called to be in a position where I can share best practices across schools and strengthen career and college partnerships in Denver. I will continue to live in the North Denver community and will always be involved at North as a Viking!

Free Electronics Recycling With Home Pickup for a Limited Time

An old broken TV or antiquated iPad can be hard to dispose of, or at least expensive to dispose of properly. Electronic waste may be a small percentage of overall waste in landfills, but accounts for the majority of toxic waste created by homes and non industrial businesses. Globally, electronic waste, driven by an increasingly digital and consumerist culture, is seen as one of the biggest environmental threats that is largely unaddressed.

While home recycling may not solve all the problems, a pilot program in Denver called Retrievr, funded by Google, Apple, Amazon, Dell, and Microsoft, will allow you to easily dispose of unwanted electronics—for no charge.

“We’re thrilled to be able to partner with some of the biggest names in tech to launch this pilot. We all agreed that we are far more likely to solve the critical environmental issue of e-waste if we work together, and the brands have really stepped up to support this mission,” said Kabira Stokes, CEO of Retrievr in a press release about the program.

“Having this service launch in Denver is a great way to give our residents a new way to recycle their old electronics all while boosting our city’s diversion rate,” said Denver Mayor Michael Hancock. “Recycling is an easy but critical action we all can take to reverse the effects of climate change and lower our greenhouse gas emissions, and I encourage everyone in Denver to take advantage of this new service.”

To schedule a pick-up with Retrievr, visit and select “Denver.”

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