Local News, CBS 4

Denver nonprofit Work Options helps students get culinary training for free

CBS 4 News

A Denver nonprofit is celebrating its latest set of graduates, equipped to enter the culinary world with confidence.


Whisking up gravy and chopping vegetables, those students recently got a hands-on lesson before finally earning their certifications at Work Options.

Among those cheering them on was Joyia Fabrizio.

"When I got here, I wasn't sure what to expect. They surpassed all my expectations," she said.

Fabrizio is a restaurant program apprentice, who started in the Work Options kitchen about two years ago. At the time, she was battling every curveball life threw at her.

"I went through some unforeseen difficult family situations and did not have the coping skills that I needed to get through it, so I turned to drugs and alcohol. I got in trouble with the law, surrendered myself and knew I was going to have a couple of sentences to serve," she said candidly.

Work Options helped her through it all, providing her with tools to overcome her circumstances. 

She heard about it by word of mouth, and shortly after began training typically lasts four-to-six weeks.

"I joined completed the core program and then was invited to come back and do an apprenticeship," said Fabrizio.


 And the best part: She was able to do it all free of charge. "It gives you a freedom to be able to relax, gain the knowledge you need, build the skillset and be confident so you can make the money you need to survive and flourish."

"A lot of students, when they start our program, don't believe that they have strengths. So, it's wonderful to watch them step into their own capacity," said Work Options Executive Director Julie Stone.

Now, with her Work Options family, Fabrizio is celebrating huge life milestones and continued success.

"I have finished all my legal obligations. I just got released from the halfway house that I was staying at. I was there 16 months, and that was two days ago! I come to work in a whole different lens. I never want to leave, and I'll be here as long as I can."

To learn more about getting involved in the culinary program, visit workoptions.org/get-involved.

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